Is Your Security Provider Brexit Ready?

At a time of unprecedented concern over contagious diseases and the spread of viruses, the CCTV Company brings solutions to allow you and your company to resume business.

With the ability to screen up to 30 individuals can be detected at one time, our fever screening cameras provide your business with the tools required to operate in a responsible and health-conscious manner.

The global pandemic has dominated the news this year, and has understandably been a primary focus of concern and resources for most organisations. 

However, it is important to bear the following in mind:  Soon, the pandemic will be over – by the creation of a successful vaccination, or some other means – and life will begin to return to normal. 

But if the UK leaves Europe without a trade deal, the repercussions will continue to affect us all for years and decades into the future. 

This is the ‘new normal’ we will still have to live with when COVID-19 is a distant memory, and the decisions we make now could play a large part in shaping that future.

With this in mind, at The CCTV Company we have taken decisive action to prepare for any foreseeable outcome.  Our measures include:

Increasing our cash reserves

Expanding our fleet of vehicles

Increasing our staff levels

Securing preferential supply treatment from our main suppliers

Securing stable alternative supply chains for all our products

Partnering with companies who can provide finance to allow our clients to upgrade their security systems immediately

Contact us immediately to learn more about how you can prepare your business or home while there is still time.