Warden Call Systems & Social Alarms

Nothing is more important to us than the safety of our customers, and those in their care. That’s why we supply market leading Tynetec warden call systems, which use proven technology to make life easier for the vulnerable.

ISO 9001:2015 certified 

NSI GOLD accredited

RISQS certified

Safe contractor accredited

Security systems, designed for elderly and vulnerable persons

Thanks to constantly improving standards in healthcare and health & safety, life expectancy in the UK and other western lands has risen almost every year since the 1960s. However, this means that our society must face new challenges which result from large numbers of elderly citizens who often need assistance in simple but specific ways to go on living fulfilling and productive lives.

One of the most basic ways we can support the elderly and disabled is to be there for them when they need us. However, how can you provide assistance to somebody in need if you are unaware. With warden call and social alarm systems, you’ll never have to worry about vulnerable relatives being without the means to call for help.

Providing peace of mind to vulnerable people and their families

Social alarms are often electronic wristbands and pendants, which allow the frail and elderly to call for help at the touch of a button. Others take the form of small tabletop or wall-mounted control boxes. Many older generations benefit from purpose-built living arrangements, such as grouped housing schemes and flats within residential homes. These arrangements often include the presence of a warden on a full- or part-time basis to monitor the welfare of residents. When warden alarm systems are fitted, an occupant in distress can press their button confident that help is on its way.

Please book a consultation today; call our NSI Gold Rated security team

As one of the UK's leading security system installation companies, we can provide comprehensive and tailored security solutions nationwide. For more information, please call our team today on 01744 891 702.